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The most advanced and accurate RC simulator ever created. So much real-world data that it requires two CDs to hold it all yet so simple to use that you can tap its potential with a quick point and click.The largest flying regions of any RC simulator created from hundreds of MB of satellite imagery and digital elevation data. You may run out of fuel before you run out of new scenery to explore.Generation 3 goes far beyond the 2-dimensional billboard look of other simulators. Its a living breathing environment fliers can immerse themselves in the realism! Trees sway in the background clouds on the horizon follow the path of the prevailing winds glare increases and subsides in relation to the position of the sun. Background objects even reflect off of the aircraft.RealFlight G3s new RealPhysics 3D physics engine was put through demanding tests and trials by world-class modelers. They all agree that aircraft on G3 fly more realistically than ever before in fact this simulator sets unprecedented standards for accuracy in exciting high alpha flight!

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